Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cat Ate My Homework

The title of this blog relates to our darling furry daughter, and her antics the other evening while Denise was spread out over the bed with papers and text books. Frankie, being her cute self and wanting attention, did it in the best way she knew how.She didn't quite understand that it was mummy's Evidence lecture notes for an assignment due the next day, and not her dinner. She was so cute when she did it though.
Why is it cats know exactly where you are reading, and sit right on it?
Unfortunately Frankie is now shitty with us. She attempted another escape attempt on Saturday. As responsible cat owners we don't let her out to roam, mainly so she doesn't kill wildlife, but also because she is rather anti-social when it comes to other cats. We have many cats in our block of townhouses which she'd like to fight. She even tried to beat up our vet's cats.
Anyway, the escape attempt involved her scaling a 2m high corrugated iron fence (with no capping, so a sharp edge) and down over the other side. When I got the roller up, she stared at me with that guilty look. So, trussed up, I carted her back inside, and gave her some time out in the 'Sin Bin', which is the downstairs toilet. Small room, high window, she hates it. A minute in there and she scooted upstairs to sulk when we let her out.
This time of the year I get to enjoy one of my other passions. Gardening. Finally having the owners permission to remove a small Candle Pine from under the washing line, I've done a bit of renovation in the garden. Gone are the miniature roses that were neglected when we moved in, and slowly being replaced by a practical herb garden. Flowering, nice smelling and useful. Plus any future tenants don't have to attend to it like roses should have been. Part of the agreement I had with the owner about removing the Pine tree, was that I would replace it. We now have a lemon tree. Sick, iron deficient little thing, but I have bags of chook poop to nurse it back to health. Against the fence is a trellis, the remnants of something still entwined around it. I found raspberry canes at the local plant store. This year I hope to taste my first real fresh raspberry (not frozen or in cordial).
Also 'borrowed' a few polystyrene boxes from the bins at the Central Markets. They make the best portable vegie patch. From winter I've still got broad beans and brussel sprouts growing. I bought a punnet of lettuce seedlings, and they are now big enough to pick a couple of leaves for the odd sandwich every week. I planted radishes for Denise and I'm waiting for the tomato seeds on the kitchen window sill to get stronger before planning them out into the garden. I also have chillies and capsicum coming up everywhere. Whenever I use one for cooking I'll put the seeds in a pot and see what comes up. Lots of plants to give to friends too. Although I still have my four year old chilli plant, and it's still going strong.
Being a little lazy in the garden recently, I still have some plants that didn't quite die over winter. The rainbow chard has picked up again, and the rocket has gone to seed now the butterflies are about, hopefully to give me a huge box full by summer.
It seems like a lot of fuss to go to, and the results will be a handful of things to eat, probably what we'd eat in a week, but the results are so much tastier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen & Denise, sounds like you'll have a beautiful, aromatic, useful garden - love those herbs!